Julie promotes recovery by providing encouragement and emotional support.
I was inspired to become a Peer Mentor after realizing the impact that hope can bring to recovery. I was encouraged throughout my personal journey and have a desire to support others in their own journey, as well. I desire to bring aspiration, compassion, and understanding to the role.
I have found inner peace that can be obtained despite external circumstances. I have also found personal strength to take control of my thoughts and emotions by responding instead of reacting. I am equipped with my own coping techniques to manage my life in a way that creates a feeling of freedom instead of being a victim to circumstances that previously held a grip over my life.
Clients can expect me to create a feeling of safety and understanding through my active listening. They can expect an atmosphere of support to be open and honest as they find their own strength to discuss their personal goals. I have a kind approach to help build up others as they transform difficulties into opportunities for success.